Our Projects

Application Styles
Conflict Resolution

Assertiveness Style

Is the degree to which the resolution plan would be forced upon the interests of the involved conflicted parties. It is useful in specific conditions....

Cooperativeness Style

Is the degree to which the involved conflicted parties are willing to work together to achieve mutual goals. It is useful in specific conditions....

Conflict resolution is not a one-size-fits-all approach


It relies on several main factors such as; the professionalism of conflict resolvers who are working to prevent conflict and mitigate its consequences, the conflicted leaders who initiated the conflict aiming to achieve their needs through unpreferable means and the vulnerable parties who have been impacted by the conflict’s consequences. Thus, working effectively with others for sustainable outcomes needs to maintain positive relationships to achieve the desired goals by all involved parties. 



How can we maintain positive relationships among involved parties while emphasizing the importance of neutrality and impartiality within the specified timeframe of the resolution plan.

We have two lines of projects constructed on different criteria 
both share the common objective of Building Peace and Mitigating Conflicts.

International Conflict Resolution Projects

The objective of the Int. Conflict resolution Projects is to merge the humanitarian pursuit through international collaboration efforts that aim to preserve lives, mitigate suffering and uphold human dignity amidst both man-made crises and natural disasters, while also focusing on preventing such occurrences and bolstering readiness for their eventualities.


Our projects are designed to influence the trajectory of a conflict with the overarching goal of reducing human suffering or mitigating the severity and devastation caused by the war or what unresolved conflict might result.


Through international collaboration, more effective and sustainable resolutions can be developed and implemented.

Local development

The objective of the local development projects is promoting social cohesion as paramount for the stability, development and unity of the nations within the region.

Local development projects will enable effective engagement of local NGOs, which are the true representation of community members, who are primarily responsible for the prosperity of their countries.

Creating a cohesive community with a high level of consciousness is the solid ground for prevailing peace.


Through local development projects, we will foster creative initiatives that aim directly and indirectly at sustainably building peace.